Life's Journeys
Sometimes we choose which direction we go and other times life chooses what will happen and where we go. My experience was one I needed to do, as the days, weeks and years ticked by the staff at K's Wig Shop became friends and it became a safe refuge of warmth. Which helped me redefine what was happening in my life.

Stress was the cause of my hair loss and as I lost my hair, my confidence and smile diminished. Going through my consultations and finding a wig that fit me and my style, it made it easy to ready myself for the day and all that needed to be done. Without the work of how I looked. With my restored confidence, the tears, fears and frustrations were left behind.
I'm a woman who has always cared about my appearance. It's a large factor in how I approach the world and how I carry myself. A smile and hair style are the two biggest self expressions we share with others. As we know, hair loss is a difficult situation to navigate. The support at K's Wig Shop is a warm welcome, like a family that provides a soft place to fall.
If I can ever be of any assistance please let me be there for you as Maureen, Kailee and Daniel were there for me. There will be changes. I found mine to be an awakening. May you have happy trails.
-Holidae Swan
Makeup Courtesy of: Tymbre Flamm @glambyflamm
Watch Holidae's Story below :) She's Wonderful!